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Manga Me Drawing

My partner took a really nice photograph of me at mcm last year. I’m wearing this outfit I love and I thought – this would make a really cute manga drawing!! 

Step 1

I start by putting down a rough sketch. I’m happy with this and think it’s cute. I like the delicacy of it and for a bit I um and arrr over whether to keep the sketch in pencil and maybe go for a watercolour feel or go over it in liner. 

Step 2

I decide to go for a liner and go over my image.  There are a few things I want to change – that cat face is looking derpy as heck, but I can work on that as I go. 

Step 3

I add a matching pink base for my beret and dress. Looking good so far. I fix the hand, or at least try to. It takes me a few attempts! Then I play around with a base skin colour. 

Step 4

It has no shading currently so it’s looking very flat! I add the skin base, hair base, and base colours for the strap. 

Step 5

This is looking a bit strange but the black background will allow me to get the whites in if I ever want a different coloured background. I’ve started colouring the base colours of the cat backpack and it’s ears. 

Step 6

Now it’s starting to come together. I’ve changed the background back and added details to t he hair and eyes. I’m not sure about the ends, I feel like they may need some more black shadowing but I’ll ponder on that. 

Step 7

I was liking the eyes but I felt like they could be better. I ended up completely redoing them, changing to two highlights and a smaller pupil.

Step 8

I add shading to the skin and blend it. 

Step 9

I add highlights to the skin and blend them. Then I work on the dress, adding shadows and highlights and blending them in to make them softer.  

Step 10

I’m not happy with the shape of the collar so I round it off and add shadowing. I add highlights on the hat and decide that with the placement the hair now needs to be highlighted too. Next I move onto the kitty bag. I add light and shadow and outline the outlines for the shading on the white. 

Now it’s time to finish off my manga drawing. I fill in the shading on the back and add a background with a dark, medium and light blue, blending them together to form a gradient. Then I use the snow brush to add snow, some on the background layer and a little in front to help her blend into the scene. 

The Finished Result!

If you’d like a copy of my manga drawing for yourself, I’ve turned it into a sticker! It’s available now for purchase on my shop

About me – Sara (Artist) 

Hello! I’m an artist based in Kent, England. I like painting and drawing a variety of subjects but animals are definitely my passion in art and life is well.

I attend stalls regularly where I exhibit and sell my work. Please feel free to come to any of these and have a look at my work and a chat.

I started to draw properly when I was around 11 years old. I was obsessed with anime at the time and loved to draw my favourite characters. Anime, manga and Japanese culture still hold a special place in my heart. You can follow my work on InstagramTikTok, and Facebook.