Sometimes I want to widen the range of what I make and I find art books can be very useful for that. This one suggested a gnome drawing. Well I haven’t tried one of them before so I’ll give it a go 😊 Step 1 I measure the gnome and find he is about 3Continue reading “Gnome Drawing”
Manga Me Drawing
My partner took a really nice photograph of me at mcm last year. I’m wearing this outfit I love and I thought – this would make a really cute manga drawing!! Step 1 I start by putting down a rough sketch. I’m happy with this and think it’s cute. I like the delicacy of itContinue reading “Manga Me Drawing”
Still life pastel flowers
I attend a weekly art group at the Canterbury Umbrella Centre and this week the teacher brought in real flowers for us to draw and paint with pastels. Canterbury Umbrella Centre is a local charity in my area that offers services for the community. It’s vital for those struggling with disabilities, mental health and loneliness. FirstContinue reading “Still life pastel flowers”
Tracing – is it cheating?
I’m going to start this controversial subject off with a firm no! Unless you are directly tracing another artists work then it’s not cheating and shouldn’t be looked down upon. I came across this video last night of a woman putting down an artist and trying to prove they were tracing from an AI generatedContinue reading “Tracing – is it cheating?”
Beaver Cartoon
My next project is a beaver cartoon! I love beavers and think they’re so cute. We have them on the river near where I live and I’ve been lucky enough to spot them a few times. In fact this summer they even had kits! Drawing Process I started off by researching some pictures. It’s actually quiteContinue reading “Beaver Cartoon”
Thursday (mohuyoubi) 5th September
Konnichiwa! I am having a fun time in Japan. Last night I slept well. It was my first time in a traditional Japanese room -a futon on a tatami mat. It was awesome. We’re currently staying in an original edo era house. It even has the washi paper sliding doors. I love it. Our hostContinue reading “Thursday (mohuyoubi) 5th September”
4th September
Today has been a travelling day. We said goodbye to our hosts and set off to Shizouka city where I managed to collect a stamp. Unfortunately we were a little close to missing the train, the mountain roads were rather treacherous so Michael had to go slowly to avoid hitting another driver on a blindContinue reading “4th September “
3rd September
I started the day with an apple for breakfast. Fruit is a luxury here in Japan and hard to find so I was sure happy to find some. Then we drove to Kawanehoncho Village which was very traditionally Japanese. It had beautiful old houses and several shishi -odoshi which are meant to scare away bears,Continue reading “3rd September”
2nd September – Day 2
We checked out of our hotel at around 12pm and headed to Shinagawa station pausing for some egg sandos and onigiri on the way. I managed to order them using my basic Japanese and google translate. It’s very hard to get veggie food here which I expected, although 7:11 has a good range of veggieContinue reading “2nd September – Day 2”
Japan Adventures – Day 1
I slept in until 1pm! Think I’m recovering from the jet lag. Today I’m in Tokyo. I had a lovely time at the Mipig Micro pig Café Where we got lots of piggy cuddles in our private booth. They were so cute and well cared for. If we put them down they would jump straight backContinue reading “Japan Adventures – Day 1”